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Project Two: Cut Paper



You will demonstarte the possibilities inherent in Line, Organic/Geometric Shapes, Negative/Positive Space, Figure/Ground Reversal, Representational/Non-representational Shapes and a specifically chosen compositional Balance. You will become more articulate in the craft of cutting paper. Your understanding of two-dimensional design as applied to the creation of visual effects will become more observant. You will create a cut paper design. This design can be non-representational or representational and be comprised of organic or geometric shapes, or a combination of all of the above.


Briefly, you are going to cut a piece of paper into a beautiful design.



Step 1: You will be creating a cut paper project, while paying close attention to: Line, Organic/Geometric Shapes, Negative/Positive Space, Figure/Ground Reversal, Representational/Non-representational Shapes and Balance. Simply, I want you to use an entire 18” x 24” piece of paper, X-Acto Knife, and multiple X-Acto blades to create an interesting composition demonstrating an understanding of the elements and principles mentioned above.


Step 2: Subject material is up to you. It can be non-representational, representational or a combination of both. Your design must rely on its own structural strength and not rely on adhesives (everything must connect in some way).


Step 3; Your main design must be on the white 18” x 24” sketchpad paper but you will have the chance to inject color and/or texture when displaying the design by using a background layer of colored and/or textured paper.





X-Acto Knife & Blades, H Pencils, Kneaded Eraser, 12” Steel Ruler and Sketchpad Paper

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