May 2023
I was just notified that my most recent body of sculptural work has been chosen for a solo exhibition at the Talley Gallery at Bemedji State University, Bemedji, MN scheduled for fall 2024.
May 2023
My most recent body of paintings has been chosen for a solo exhibition at the Dayman Gallery at
Owensboro Community and Technical College, Owensboro, KY for 2024.
May 2022
I just delivered a lecture on the possibilities inherent in utilizing technology in two-dimensional foundation level courses at Lane Community College, Eugene, OR (online).
April 2022
I recently delivered a lecture on advanced drawing techniques at Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA (online).
April 2022
I recently delivered a lecture and demonstration on direct observation drawing techniques at Treasure Valley Community College, Treasure Valley, WA (online).
March 2022
I just delivered a lecture on my teaching practice at Corning Community College, Corning, NY (online).
March 2022
I recently learned that my work has been chosen for a 4 person exhibition at James May Gallery, Milwaukee, WI scheduled for March 2023. I am also excited to be participating in their artist blog series.
February 2022
My online teaching practice was recently recognized for inspiring student engagement and professionalism by the Director of Military and Veteran Services at Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD.
January 2022
I was just notified that 6 of my works were selected for a small group exhibition at the Umpqua Art Center, Roseburg, OR.
December 2021
I recently gave a lecture on the finer nuances of color theory as applied to artistic design at Eastern Wyoming College, Torrington, WY (online).
September 2021
My work was exhibited in You Are Not Alone, at the Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin, Germany.
September 2021
I was just notified that I am once again, a recipient of the Arts South Dakota Artist Emergency Relief Fund Grant, Bush Foundation/Arts South Dakota, Sioux Falls, SD.
May 2021
I recently delivered a lecture on advanced drawing techniques at Aims Community College, Greeley, CO.
May 2021
I recently gave an artist talk at Tidewater Community College, Virginia Beach, VA (online).
June 2020
I recently completed an artist lecture at Riverland Community College, Albert Lea, MN (online).
May 2020
I recently gave a lecture on my pedagogy at the University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR (online).
May 2020
I recently gave a presentation on the possibilities inherent in cross department utilization of fine art as a tool for pedagogy at Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, NY (online).
April 2020
I recently delivered a lecture on my professional teaching practice at Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN (online).
April 2020
My work was recently included in an exhibition at Penticton Art Gallery, Penticton, BC, Canada.
January 2020
My solo exhibition Want Not Loss, Water and Stardust was shown at the Apex Gallery, School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD.
September 2019
My solo exhibition Light Through Dirty Windows was shown at the Edina Art Center, Edina, MN.
June 2018
My teaching practice was recently celebrated in an article titled, “Price Inspires in Iowa Western Art Program” in The Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, IA. Please find a link to the article here: https://nonpareilonline.com/face/price-inspires-in-iowa-western-art-program/article
February 2018
I have been invited to give a visiting artist lecture to digital media students at Missouri State University Springfield, MO.
October 2018
My work was exhibited in a solo exhibition titled Not Loss Want at the McCarthy Gallery, Valley City State University, Valley City, ND.
February 2017
I was recently awarded the 2017 Riever Award of Excellence for my outstanding teaching at Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA.
November 2017
I was recently notified that I have received the Vice President’s Curriculum Development Grant, Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA.
November 2016
My work was recently included in an exhibition titled, Context at the Foundry Art Center, St. Charles, MO.
November 2016
My newest sculptural installation work, Siren will be installed in an isolated area of the Badlands National Park near Wall, SD.
November 2015
My work was recently chosen for the exhibition titled Context at the Foundry Art Center in St. Charles, MO.
September 2015
I have accepted a position as Chair of the Department of Fine Art at Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluffs, IA.
June 2015
I have accepted a Full-time Instructor of Fine Art position at Iowa Western Community College.
May 2015
I was recently included in an exhibition titled, Dissolutions at the Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI.
February 2015
I participated in the exhibition Girls. This exhibition was organized by Curator Ellen Colcord. GIRLS is an exhibition in collaboration with Covenant House. The exhibition will be at the Rogue Space Gallery, Chelsea New York, NY.
May 2014
Recently, I was involved in curating Flint Projection a temporary public video project on the entire façade of the historic Spencer's Art House in Flint, MI. Spencer's Art House is a historic home last used as a mortuary, located in Carriage Town, the city's oldest neighborhood. The building fell into disuse in the early 1990s and was on the verge of collapsing. In 2012, Flint Public Art Project began a project to renovate the building into an alternative art and workshop space in cooperation with the Carriage Town Historic Neighborhood Association.
April 2014
I have recently accepted a Technical Consultant position at the Center for Teaching and Learning, Mott Community College. Along with my regular teaching responsibilities, I will be lecturing to faculty members on a number of topics including hybrid classrooms and best practices for technology in the context of pedagogy and professional development.
October 2013
My work was exhibited in a solo exhibition titled Calm Abiding at the VADC Mott Community College Gallery Flint, MI.
April 2013
Recently, I was notified that I was nominated for the 2013 Outstanding Faculty Award at Mott Community College. I am truly honored for this distinction and thank those who were part of my nomination.
May 2012
I have accepted an offer for a Full-time Instructor of Art position at Mott Community College Flint, MI. On December 12, 2011, Mott Community College was honored at a prestigious event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC as one of the top ten community colleges out of more than 1,200 community colleges in America.
February 2012
My curatorial exhibition proposal was accepted by the Ruddell Gallery at Black Hills State University. This show will consist of a small number of recent M.F.A. students from across the United States and will be titled Histories of Things to Come. It will be available for viewing from March 1st to April 3rd 2013.
January 2012
My work was included in a traveling exhibition at Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD curated by Greg Blair titled Young Dakota Artists it will also be exhibited at the North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND.
March 2011
My work was recently exhibited in, An Exchange with Sol LeWitt, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, MA.
December 2011
The WUD Art Committee at the University of Wisconsin accepted my curatorial exhibition proposal.The show will be comprised of a select group of artists involved with Gallery Gray and will be titled Tilting at Windmills. It will be available for viewing from December 1st to January 17nth 2013 in the Porter Butts Gallery.
September 2011
My work was included in an exhibition at the Siena Art Institute, Siena, Italy titled Drawn Together.
December 2011
My work was included in a solo exhibition at Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD titled Histories of Things to Come.
November 2011
My work was included in an exhibition at Dickenson State University Gallery, Dickenson, ND titled Blue.
April 2010
An international video exhibition I co-curated with B. Colby Jennings was on view at Washington State University Gallery II, Pullman, WA titled Shifting Ground. This physical installation was also be accompanied by an online exhibition at Gallery Gray a nontraditional gallery space I created in late 2009.
December 2009
I was accepted into the Jentel Artist Residence Program for a period of one month. This month long residency includes private room and board, 400 square foot studio space, and a stipend. The Jentel Artist Residency Program offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development. At Jentel, artists and writers experience unfettered time to allow for thoughtful reflection and meditation on the creative process in a setting that preserves the agricultural and historical integrity of the land.